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No Abiding

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2017 8:40 am
by Dhammarakkhito
Where is this 'way to let go'? In Buddhism we say ''Don't cling to anything.'' We never stop hearing about this ''don't cling to anything!'' This means to hold, but not to cling. Like this flashlight. We think, ''What is this?'' So we pick it up, ''Oh, it's a flashlight,'' then we put it down again. We hold things in this way.
If we didn't hold anything at all, what could we do ? We couldn't walk meditation or do anything, so we must hold things first. It's wanting, yes, that's true, but later on it leads to pāramī (virtue or perfection). Like wanting to come here, for instance... Venerable Jagaro2 came to Wat Pah Pong. He had to want to come first. If he hadn't felt that he wanted to come he wouldn't have come. For anybody it's the same, they come here because of wanting. But when wanting arises don't cling to it! So you come, and then you go back...What is this? We pick it up, look at it and see, ''Oh, it's a flashlight,'' then we put it down. This is called holding but not clinging, we let go. We know and then we let go. To put it simply we say just this, ''Know, then let go.'' Keep looking and letting go. ''This, they say is good; this they say is not good''... know, and then let go. Good and bad, we know it all, but we let it go. We don't foolishly cling to things, but we 'hold' them with wisdom Practising in this 'posture' can be constant. You must be constant like this. Make the mind know in this way, let wisdom arise. When the mind has wisdom, what else is there to look for?

i also recommend 'in the dead of night...', same author