Abhidhamma View : Dependent Arising 6-8

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Abhidhamma View : Dependent Arising 6-8

Post by yawares »

Dear Members,

:candle: Abhidhamma View : Dependent Arising 6-8 :candle:
[Presented by Dr.Tep Sastri @ SariputtaDhamma/JTN/Mult]

CMA VIII, p. 297-298:

(6) Dependent on contact arises feeling: Whenever contact occurs, feeling(vedanaa) arises simultaneously, conditioned by that same contact. Contact is the encounter of consciousness with the object, and that encounter is neccessarily accompanied by a particular afffective tone, the feeling produced by the contact. there are six classes of feeling: feeling born of eye-contact, feeling born of ear-contact, etc., to feeling born of mind-contact. In terms of its affective quality, feeling may be pleasant, painful, or neutral, according to the base and object.

(7) Dependent on feeling arises craving: Feeling conditions the arising of craving(ta.nhaa). There are six classes of craving: craving for forms, for sounds, for smells, for tastes, for tangibles, and for mental objects. Each of these again becomes threefold according to whether it is simply craving for sensual pleasure; or craving for existence, i.e., craving conjoined with an eternalist view(sassatadi.t.thi); or craving for annihilation, i.e., craving conjoined with an annihilationist view(ucchedadi.t.thi). In all its varieties, craving is ultimately reducible to the cetasika greed(lobha).
Although craving is distinguished by way of its object, the craving itself depends on the feeling that arises through contact with that object. If one experiences a pleasant feeling, one relishes that pleasant feeling and desires the object only insofar as it arouses the pleasant feeling. On the other hand, when one experiences a painful feeling, one has a craving to be free from pain and one longs for a pleasurable feeling to replace it. Neutral feeling has a peaceful nature, and this too becomes an object of craving. Thus the three kinds of feeling conditionthe arising of various types of craving.

(8) Dependent on craving arises clinging: Here clinging(upaadaana) is of the four kinds explained above [p. 267. Clinging to sense pleasure, clinging to wrong view, cling to rites and ceremonies, clinging to a doctrine of self.] Clinging to sense pleasure is intensified craving, a mode of the cetasika greed; the other three kinds of clinging are modes of the cetasika wrong view. Each of these types of clinging is conditioned by craving. In the first case, weak or initial greed for an object is called craving, while the intensified craving is called clinging. In the other three cases, the greed that conditions wrong views is called craving, while the views that are accepted under the influence of that greed are called clinging.

:heart: Love Buddha's dhamma,
yawares/sirikanya :heart:
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