Abhidhamma View:Benefits of Developed Concentration

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Abhidhamma View:Benefits of Developed Concentration

Post by yawares »

Dear Members,

:candle: Abhidhamma View:Benefits of Developed Concentration :candle:
[Presented by Dr.Tep Sastri @ sariputtadhamma/JTN]

Vism. p. 367-368 (excerpt):

120. Herein, the benefits of the development of concentration are fivefold, as a blissful abiding here and now, and so on. For the development of absorption concentration provides the benefit of a blissful abiding here and now for the Arahants with cankers destroyed who develop concentration, thinking, We shall attain and dwell with unified mind for a whole day. Hence the Blessed One said: But, Cunda, it is not these that are called effacement in the Noble Ones' discipline; these are called blissful abidings in the Noble Ones' discipline (M I 40).

121. When ordinary people and trainers develop it, thinking, After emerging, we shall exercise insight with concentrated consciousness, the development of absorption concentration provides them with the benefit of insight by serving as the proximate cause for insight, and so too does access concentration as a method of arriving at wide open [conditions] in crowded [circumstances].
Hence the Blessed One said: Bhikkhus, develop concentration; a bhikkhu who is concentrated understands correctly (S III 13).

122. But when they have already produced the eight attainments and then, aspiring to the kinds of direct-knowledge described in the way beginning. Having been one, he becomes many (XII.2), they produce them by entering upon jhana as the basis for direct-knowledge and emerging from it, then the development of absorption concentration provides for them the benefit of the kinds of direct-knowledge, since it becomes the proximate cause for the kinds of direct-knowledge whenever there is an occasion. Hence the Blessed One said:

He attains the ability to be a witness, through realization by direct-knowledge, of any state realizable by direct-knowledge to which his mind inclines, whenever there is an occasion (M III 96; A I 254).

He attains the ability to be a witness, through realization by direct-knowledge, of any state realizable by direct-knowledge to which his mind inclines, whenever there is an occasion (M III 96; A I 254). [372]

So wise men fail not in devotion
To the pursuit of concentration:
It cleans defiling stains pollution,
And brings rewards past calculation.
*************** :anjali:
:heart: Love Buddha's dhamma,
yawares/sirikanya :heart:
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