What is your view regarding (Rupa) Kalapas?

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What is your view regarding (Rupa) Kalapas?

Post by subaru »

I have read Venerable Sayadaw Pa-Auk's descriptions of kalapas. I have also heard SN Goenkaji's lecture about it. The detail description is also available in Visuddhimagga , Abhidhamma (Bodhi) and Mahasi Sayadaw's lectures..After I researched into it, it doesn't seems like something to be taken lightly.. I also have some knowledge about subatomic particle in Quantum Physics, which I presently assume to be kalapas.

Can a human being really see (either with eye-door or mind-door) kalapas?
or is it some form of Nimitta?
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Re: What is your view regarding (Rupa) Kalapas?

Post by lionking »

In a nutshell
  • - Nama (Mind) -> Rupa (Matter)
    - Matter (Nama) does not exist independent of the Mind (Nama).
    - Hence its known as "Dependent Origination" i.e. Matter come to-be and cease to-be on the volition of the Nama (Mind).
    - In other words mind creates the matter.
    - Kalapa (particles) are the building block of the Rupa (Matter).
So this is all very interesting. But how can this help me?

- The suffering and misery one witness and experience is created by your own mind.
- Surely then, since the mind is yours, you must be able to direct the movie of your life?
- Not so. The mind has rational/irrational parts. You have no control over the irrational parts of your mind.
- Its the part of the Consciousness that scares one when they walk into a dark room for example.
- So how does one put a harness around this Consciousness that gallop like a wild animal?
- Its via meditative practice. You train it so that it indirectly help you to direct the movie.
- What is the ultimate "happy ending" ? This is where it breaks conventional movie going experience.
- The happy ending arrives when the Mind has developed a sophistication to dictate the Rupa (movie) it creates.
- The happy ending happens when Mind enters a state such that it does not cling to the outcome of the movie.
- With no clinging to physical phenomena, the Rupa extinguishes itself.
- With no dependent origination there is nothing to anchor the Nama. The Nama comes to an end too.
- Thus it brings happy ending every living being deserves.
grr ..
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