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Re: Edward Snowden, an American hero

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 12:18 pm
by Modus.Ponens
lyndon taylor wrote:Whatya, you work for the NSA or something, this is major major mess up, thank goodness Snowden had the nerve to make us aware of what is going on, this has so little to do with terrorism and everything to do with controlling the masses and feeding information to the corporations.
Evidently. I'm sorry to say this to my american friends, but the US is the first fascist democracy in the world. And most of europe is following their footsteps.

Re: Edward Snowden, an American hero

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 1:55 pm
by Dan74
Modus.Ponens wrote:
lyndon taylor wrote:Whatya, you work for the NSA or something, this is major major mess up, thank goodness Snowden had the nerve to make us aware of what is going on, this has so little to do with terrorism and everything to do with controlling the masses and feeding information to the corporations.
Evidently. I'm sorry to say this to my american friends, but the US is the first fascist democracy in the world. And most of europe is following their footsteps.
I wonder what sort of information is being fed to the corporations? Don't they already get what they want and much more directly from the cookies?

I mean internet traffic is a massive amount of information. They would trail it automatically for clues, they can't read it individually. I think there is a fair amount of paranoia in the air.

For me, what was new (and I don't know how factual it was) was that the US does a lot of spying this way, whereas the whole time the finger in the West was squarely pointing at China...

Re: Edward Snowden, an American hero

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 3:43 pm
by chownah
tiltbillings wrote:
Mr Man wrote: . . .
Again, what is being done by the US government that warrants all this concern?
Compared to governments world wide the US gov't is fairly benign.....but everything is impermanent....the infrastructure and legal accommodation for spying like this will likely outlive the benign quality of the existing gov't and will be inherited by a governing group of people more than willing to destroy anything and anyone that opposes them......think about Syria....the powers there seem very willing to kill as many people as necessary to stay in power...I've heard that it is over 100,000 people killed already and there is no sign that they would hesitate to kill another million if necessary....I think that people should be concerned about the day when people like that come to power and inherit the infrastructure and legal framework that is being created now....after a short time the legal framework will not even be an issue as they can have their way with the law by destroying the opposition.

I don't waste too much time worrying about this.....people get the government they deserve.

Re: Edward Snowden, an American hero

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 6:24 pm
by IanAnd
Ben wrote: If the political situation in the united states is so bad then may I suggest you do something about it.
As a matter of fact, Ben, I have done something about it. I've taken myself out of its jurisdiction. I am not a "citizen of the U.S." as that phrase is contemplated under the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The "U.S." in that context is an incorporated entity (the U.S. government was incorporated in 1871 in part in order to remove it from constitutional limitations), and therefore a fiction at law. It can only deal with other entities that also identify themselves as legal fictions. I am an "American national" and a Citizen of the united States of America as it was organically contemplated by the 1776 Declaration of Independence, the 1781 Articles of Confederation, and the 1787 Constitution for the united States of America as amended and ratified on December 15th, 1791, and have declared that so within a recorded affidavit. There is not an official within any of the branches of government that will dare to rebut that affidavit because they would have to perjure themselves to do so! And they know it!

I've been studying the law for the past thirty plus years, but most assiduously during the past five years. I have studied the common law and statutory law and the differences between the two. I doubt there are more than a few on this forum who can say the same with regard to their own nationalities and the law within those jurisdictions.
Ben wrote: After all, it is a representative and responsible democracy not a totalitarian state.
As it is currently being propagandized to the rest of this nation, you are correct. Yet a growing number of people are beginning to see through the propaganda. In actuality, it has been a totalitarian state since the 1860s, due mostly to people's ignorance. Anyone who hasn't read the history of the Reconstruction years after the War Between the States is sadly lacking in first-hand facts to rely upon that back up my statement. Gradually over the years, beginning in 1913 with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, and then twenty years later under the FDR administration, American society has been gradually socialized into the monstrosity of Big Government/Big Brother socialism that it is today.

It (the current iteration of the federal government of the U.S.) does not represent me within its fictional realm. Do you understand the legal implications behind the word "represent." It means to re- present, as in "to present once again." Those who go before a modern administrative court and are represented by an attorney have agreed to be viewed as "non compos mentis" in the eyes of the court, and therefore wards of the court. They have declared themselves incompetent at law — an awful mistake if one wishes to get the truth on the record and hold public official accountable! These administrative courts are not judicial courts, and are therefore inferior courts in the eyes of the law. They adjudicate matters between fictional entities ONLY. If one agrees to be identified as a legal fiction in America today, one pays the price by waiver of inherent inalienable rights. Most people, when the go to court, don't realize that they are likely involved in contract law. They think they are in the judicial court, when in reality they are in either an equity court or admiralty.

However, do not rely upon your attorney to tell you these facts. It is a conflict of interest for him or her. Find out for yourself through diligent first-hand study and research!

I don't expect naysayers to agree with me. They're too busy to be bothered by actually look into the facts, and are more than willing to buy into the propaganda. After all, it's that propaganda that supports their lifestyle.